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Showing posts with the label boy and girl

One Sided Love - Happy Ending

One sided love is not the thing you choose but once in your life, you will be in one sided love. This is my story, how I was in one sided and left her for her happiness. My name is Zee, I was very happy in my life before I met her (Heena). I first met her when I was 21 and I started a new work.   Heena was a girl that everyone liked, she was sweet, she was always nice to everyone and she barely got angry with anyone. It was easy to adopt to new office for me with the help of Heena, I was partnered with her. In a very little time we got really fond of each other. I really liked her, I wanted to ask her out and I did that after two months.   By that time, we were very close with each other. When I asked her out, she said yes with big smile, I was happy. When we went on that date, she said that she had a boyfriend. I was okay with that and I was glad that she let me know before I grew anymore feelings for her. That date was as perfect as she was.   After six months, we were be

My Love For You

  Most painful thing in life is to see someone you love die, even worse if you save them and you can’t be with them. This is my story how I saved love of my life to be with someone else. It all started when I began college and met this amazing girl, she was perfect in every possible way. It was love at first sight for me, not only me half of the boys were crazy for her.   I knew I had to approach her if I wanted to be close to her as there were many on line. Luckily, she was in my class which made things easier for me. When I first talked with her we hit it off really well, we had a lot in common. Soon we became best friends, we started spending a lot of time together. However, I never told her how I felt as I didn’t wanted to lose what we had now.   Every now and then guys would propose her, but she always refused them, which made me feel that she also had some feeling for me. I was not full of myself, there were signs like she would share everything with me, and we were spend

Marrying My Crush

Life surprises you in most unexpected ways. This is my story, how I married to my crush, I am Sanjay, I work for newspaper as reporter, which has always been my dream job. However I am not the type of person who is very good at interaction. Due to which, I have limited friends and had been in a relationship once.   It all started when a girl named Supriti joined my team as intern. She was breath taking, everything about her was perfect, her eyes, her hair, just everything. It was like love at first sight, but even though she was in my team I had problem talking to her. I just didn’t knew how to start a conversation, we used to talk but it was only work related.   Time passed by, we bonded but only as colleagues. I wanted to be more then colleagues with her, just didn’t knew how to. We never talk anything apart from work. So I talked to my friends about my situation, they called me nerd, and suggested that I should pull myself together and talk to her and gave me some tips on ho

My Second chance

Every day is different from another, this is my story about a day when I was about to commit suicide and how a man saved my life. I am Amanda, 18, fresh out of high school. I lost my brother last winter in a car accident, that is when I break down I somehow passed my high school but I was not myself from that point on wards.   It was my brother’s birthday that day, I was always the first to wish him on his special day but this year he was not here with me. I missed him more than usual he was not just my brother, he was my best friend, my father and my whole world. My mom had tried to cheer me up every possible way but nothing worked.   On his birthday I was filling very low, more than usual, I did nothing that day. I just laid on bed whole day holding his photo in my hand, I didn’t even saw anyone that day. At the end of the day I was not thinking, it was around 8 pm and I ran towards bridge where my brother died in accident.   It was really dark when I got there and there

Sometime Wish Comes True

I might never forget that night in this life. It has been 5 years, still I remember it like it was yesterday. I didn’t wanted things to turn like this. I am Priya and this is my story which turned my life forever. It was monsoon evening 5 years ago, I was 25 at that time. I was in a relationship for almost 6 years at that time with my high school sweet heart ‘Dev’.   Everyone thought we were made for each other, they might have been true as we would complete each other. But it was not high school romance anymore, we were in real world and things were rather not same as before. We both finished our college and started working, we did make time to see each other but I felt like we were growing apart over time.   I felt like I was missing something in life, well it might because either I was at work or with Dev. I don’t know if Dev felt that way or not but even if he did he would not complain, that’s classic Dev, he is never got angry, he never complained about things. I guess I j

Almost Broken Marriage

Well I was supposed to be getting married next hour but here I am having this coffee all dressed up. Don’t worry, I am not alone I am with my bride to be. That might be confusing why Bride and Groom both chickened out of their own wedding and most importantly why together.   One and Half hour ago Being in this car, moving towards my own marriage venue, I never thought I would be the one doing arrange marriage. I have only met girl once with my whole family and 15 days later here I am getting married to her. I tried calling her a lot but there were always people around either for me or her, due to which we couldn’t talk properly.   When I got into venue, I just got felling that I have to meet her before I marry her. I messaged her to ask about her where about. She replied really fast as if she was waiting for my text, she said she was in first floor, third room from right. As I got her message I said that I had to go to bathroom and went to first floor, third room from right a

Be There For Me

This story takes place in small town where there is a boy who lives alone as he has no family or friends due to which his social skills are next to zero, named Billy. Real story begins when he meets a girl who changed his life forever.   Billy has been all alone from the age of 8 when his parents died in car accident. After that he was with his grandparents for next two years and in another car accident even they died too. He didn’t wanted to be with any other relatives but due to his age court gave his custody to his uncle. At his uncle’s house he started to cause trouble whenever he could, after few months his uncle asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to be alone. So his uncle decide to let him go but uncle would visit him once a week and leave him alone at his grandparents’ house. At the age of 11 he started to live all by himself. He would get money from his uncle each month for the expenses and uncle, himself stopped visiting him after few months as he couldn’

Life is Too Short

This story is about a boy who falls in love with an elder girl. The boy's name is Aadesh, he is 16, fresh out of high school. He was quite a simple boy, from a medium-class family, living with his mom and dad. He was not so much an outgoing kind of a nerd but this spring he had other plans, he decided to go to the gym as he had three months till he started college. He started a gym across the city as he didn't want to be bothered while working out. But he had no idea what was waiting next. He started going to the gym on Monday, the first day of the workout made him quite tired. It was 8 in the morning when he left the gym as he started at 6 where he jogged all the way. But after the gym, he was tired and wanted to go on the bus as he was not in a condition to jog across the town. While waiting for the bus he saw a cafe right across the street. He wanted to grab a coffee and there was no sign of a bus afar, he decided to get a coffee real quick. He went to the cafe and