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Life is Too Short

This story is about a boy who falls in love with an elder girl. The boy's name is Aadesh, he is 16, fresh out of high school. He was quite a simple boy, from a medium-class family, living with his mom and dad. He was not so much an outgoing kind of a nerd but this spring he had other plans, he decided to go to the gym as he had three months till he started college.

He started a gym across the city as he didn't want to be bothered while working out. But he had no idea what was waiting next. He started going to the gym on Monday, the first day of the workout made him quite tired. It was 8 in the morning when he left the gym as he started at 6 where he jogged all the way. But after the gym, he was tired and wanted to go on the bus as he was not in a condition to jog across the town.

While waiting for the bus he saw a cafe right across the street. He wanted to grab a coffee and there was no sign of a bus afar, he decided to get a coffee real quick. He went to the cafe and asked for one Americano to go and handed the cashier the cash. While he was waiting for his coffee, he saw his bus was in the station. He asked the cashier to hurry up with his drink and the next second they got him his coffee. He rushed to the crosswalk but the light was red, as soon as the light turned green he ran but missed the bus.

He got that he had to wait another 15 minutes for the bus. He was tired so he sat on the waiting bench alone at the bus stand. After a few minutes he saw her for the first time:
Aditi, who was 20, had completed her studies and was planning to go aboard for work, from a middle-class family with a mom, dad, and a younger brother. But was totally the opposite of Aadesh, she was bold, outgoing, and elder.

When Aadesh saw her for the first time it was a new feeling for him, he had no idea what he was feeling or doing. Before he knew it, his bus was there, he had no idea how 15 minutes pass by so fast. As soon as he got up to get on the bus 'eyes still on the girl', he saw that she was getting on the same bus. He followed her onto the bus, he stood next to where the girl sat on the bus just to notice that she was with a boy.

He was so lost that he didn't even notice that she was with someone else. He crawled back to the last seat feeling sad but he had no idea why he was feeling sad. After a few minutes, he wanted to see what they were doing but couldn't see them at all. So he moved one seat ahead as the whole bus was empty at that time of the day. Now he was able to see the girl clearly now and once again got lost, he still had no idea why he was feeling that way.

He got back to his senses when the bus got to the stop right before his. As the bus stopped the guy sitting with Aditi got up to leave. Aadesh saw him leaving him bus, as he got off the bus Aadesh looked at the girl and she was looking right at him. She noticed that he was looking at her. He didn't know what to do so he hide so that she couldn't see him. As soon as the bus reached the next stop, he rushed to the door to get off without looking back. And as he got off that bus he looked at her for the last time, she didn't notice. He got that same feeling.

He wanted to know what that feeling was and he got to get the same after two days of the first encounter. This time he was more in his senses as he got off the gym late, he looked at his phone and it was 8; 35, he was planning on walking home but changed his mind as he saw Aditi at the bus stand. He just followed her to the bus like last time but this time he sit ahead of where she sat, he maybe wanted to be noticed. 

Just like the last time the guy gets off just one stop from Aadesh's stop. Aadesh still had his eye on her as her friend got off the bus. Even though she was looking at him, they locked their eyes for a few moments. Then she came next to him and asked if she could sit there. Aadesh looked around, the bus was almost empty except for two aunties in the very front so he was surprised that she wanted to sit next to him. Even so, he shifted and made room for her. She sat there and they were trying to look at each other.

In a brief moment, it came to his stop, he didn’t want to get off but he was already late that day so he got up to leave. He didn’t know how to get out as she was blocking his way so, in a very low voice he said 'excuse me.' She heard it despite the low tone and moved her body to make him some room to pass. He tried passing her without touching her but he accidentally steps on her foot. He got embarrassed and ran out of the bus after saying sorry.

The next day, Aadesh was still thinking about what happened on the bus another day. He realized that He didn't apologize properly. So, he decided to do it properly this time. He got out of the gym early as he wanted to meet her again. He waited half an hour at the bus stand and finally there she was, with that guy of course.

But this time it was different, as soon as she got to the bus stand, she smiled at him. He got nervous anyways and smiled back. They got on the bus, she was sitting with that guy as always so Aadesh sat across from where she was sitting, just looking at her but not being obvious. That guy got off at his usual stop. Aadesh thought that this was time that he finally talks with her. But he was nervous.

After a while bus started and he thought it was now or never. He bend towards her and said that he was sorry for yesterday. She didn't get what he was trying to say, he said sorry for stepping on her feet. She smiled and said that was nothing and he didn't need to be sorry. Then they introduce themselves to each other, by the time they could say anymore, his stop came and he said he had to go and said their goodbyes.

The next day, Aadesh again waited for her at the bus stand. For a change this time Aditi was alone and came towards Aadesh with a big smile. They greeted each other and sat on the bench at the bus stand. Aadesh looked at her, for some reason she looked angry. He asked if she was angry, and she nodded then he said if she was upset because her boyfriend was not there today. She gave him the look 'pissed' and said no. Then he asked why she was angry. She explained that she didn't have enough sleep. He asked if there was a problem, and she gave him the same look. She said it was because of him, he got really confused and started thinking about what he has done to upset her, but nothing came to his mind. He asked what he has done to upset her, following that she said she was searching for him the whole night on Facebook but didn't find him. He then explained he goes by the name Billy on Facebook as he didn't want more people to find him online. She still in her anger said he should have told him that earlier and asked for his number so that way it would be easier to communicate with each other. They exchanged their number and the bus arrived. They get on the bus and talked about their family and stuff about what they were doing until Aadesh got off that his stop and said farewell to each other. 

They started to talk not only on the bus but at home as well. They started to call and chat with each other whenever they got a chance. Aadesh got to know that guy was not her boyfriend but her friend from her Japanese language classes. She was planning to go to Japan to work, it was always her dream to work aboard and she found that Japan was a good option for her.

They used to meet in the bus stand daily, and slowly they started meeting for coffee and moves. Before they knew it they were dating. Despite being polar opposites understood each other very well. She even taught her how to ride bikes, he on other hand would do sweet things for her like meeting with chocolates and flowers when they are going out. They grew very fond of each other in very little time.

Three months passed, and there wasn't a day they didn't talk and would meet whenever they got the chance. One day they decided to go watch a romantic movie. After the movie, they went for lunch. Then is when Aadesh said I LOVE YOU to Aditi for the first. She laughed, his face changed color. He said in a low voice that he thought she also loved her. She continued to laugh, after seeing him almost in tears she said: "you needed to watch a romantic movie to realize that, I LOVE YOU TOO, stupid." His expression changed within a second after she said that. He was very happy and leaned forward to kiss them. THEY KISSED.

Things were going great as they were falling in deeper love, nothing any of them have ever felt before. Their meeting increased so as their compactness with each other. So they finally decided to tell their parents about them on their six-month anniversary. Aditi was fine but Aadesh got a little nervous about it as Aditi was elder than him and his mother was superstitious about these things as she would say the boy has to be elder than the girl. So he decided to talk to his father first.

As soon as he broke the news to his father, he said "you know what your mother will say." So father and son decided to talk to mother herself. Mother reacted as everyone thought she will. She strongly disagreed and said that is not going to work. 

Later that night Aditi called Aadesh, he told her everything about her mother not agreeing to their relationship. They talked about every possible way to convince his mother and the first on the list was a hunger strike. As planned Aadesh skipped his breakfast and lunch the very next day. His mother figure out what he was doing and even when he didn't come for dinner, her mother went to his room and said to him that if that meant that much to him she would meet with the girl. His face had smiled again and called Aditi as soon as his mother left the room. And Aditi also explained their parents don't have any problems.

After two days Aditi visited Aadesh's home to meet his mother, and they talked for hours. When Aditi was leaving his mother said when they can meet Aditi's parents. Aadesh got so happy that he jumped and hugged his mother. Another week they arranged with their parents and the meeting went quite well, better than expected. Both parents were happy but decided that he will not get married the right way as Aadesh was only 17. They said marriage will be done after Aditi comes back from Japan in three years. And Aadesh can also join here in Japan after he completes his 12 grade.

Both Aditi and Aadesh were very happy as their parents has accepted their relationship. And very next week Aditi got her visa for Japan. A double celebration both families meet at Aditi's house as they have hosted a party. They enjoyed their dinner and Aditi's brother was dancing when Aadesh just left the room and went out of the door, Aditi followed. Aadesh got really sad almost crying then he expressed that he was sad that Aditi will leave next month and they wouldn't be able to meet each other. Aditi then explained that she would call on a daily basis and he can join her next year in Japan, she also told him she would be able to go happily if he reacted like this. Aadesh wiped his tears and said let's go enjoy the party with a fake smile.

Finally, the day came, and Aditi was leaving for Japan. Both families were there to see off Aditi. Aadesh cried like a baby, and Aditi also cried followed by her mother. At last Aditi's flight took off leaving everyone behind. 

Aadesh was waiting for Aditi's call, which finally came after 12 hours. They both talked for hours as if they have not talked in ages. Time goes by and they started getting comfortable with long distances after a few months of crying and drama. 

Aadesh finally passed 12 grade and was excited as he could finally apply for Japan and meet Aditi. He ran home and called Aditi to tell her that he graduated, Aditi got excited as well. That night they talked to the morning light. Aditi tells Aadesh that if he wants to be with someone then this is the last chance for him to do so as after he gets to Japan she wouldn't lay an eye on another girl she said pulling his leg. They talked about what they would do when he gets there and stuff.

After four months, Aadesh got his visa for Japan, and now he could finally meet Aditi. He ran home to call Aditi and give her good news but when he got home, he was surprised to see Aditi's parents at his house with long faces. He asked what is going on. Then Aditi's father tells him to sit down and said that Aditi died. Aadesh for a second got blanked and the next second he was laughing, he said "you guys know that I got a visa that's why you are messing with me right. Stop joking I am going to her no matter what." Aditi's mother broke down and pour into tears. Aditi's father then explained how Aditi got into a car accident and was killed. Everyone broke down into tears and suddenly Aadesh fainted.

Only after one month opened his eye, even after he cried for another month. Everyone tried everything they could do to cheer him up but nothing helped. He canceled his visa and would sit in his room alone, barely talk to anyone, and hardly eats anything. He was in depression but refused to take medicine, he used to say he would follow her no matter what. So someone at a time had to keep an eye on him as he had already tried to kill himself twice.

One day, out of nowhere, he got off bed early and said he wanted to take a walk. It has been six months since he took a walk properly. Everyone thought that he was going to try and do something stupid, but it was different than another day, he had energy within himself. He went for the walk and had a proper breakfast and lunch and passed a day normally which was after six months.

In the evening Aditi's family joined Aadesh's family for dinner and to talk about change. Aadesh said "I saw her today in my dream, she said she would always be in my heart and I should stop trying to kill myself, she also asked me to complete only after that she will see me again. She said she loved me and I should be as long as I would and leave a happy life." Everyone's eyes felt with tears but they were happy for Aadesh at the same time. Aadesh promised that he would not do anything to hurt them anymore and smiled.

After Six Months
Aadesh is going to Korea to fulfill Aditi's dream to work abroad as he didn't want to go to Japan because he might miss her. Still, he has her in his heart and always keeps her.


Tell your loved ones how much you love them, you never know when is the last time you are seeing them.


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