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Showing posts with the label love

I will find her, late again

  I only had in my pocket a pencil and an always full appointment book. Whether it's windy or snowing, whether it's raining or whether the sun shakes up the bad clouds. Since my adolescence, I have remained faithful to these carefully recorded appointments. Even today, a long, long time, I waited for her in front of the castle gate. It was always like that, I didn't blame him and I even got used to it. I managed to always be the first to arrive and for her to perceive a little impatience. At last, she hurried towards me. Her light steps and almost bare feet glided over the cobblestones. In a breath, giggling or in tears, she apologized for being late and begged forgiveness that I could not refuse her. Like every Saturday afternoon, we found ourselves so close to each other that each time I couldn't help but grasp the texture of her skin, the radiance of her eyes, the design of her lips. . Finally I got drunk on the silky oriental fragrances that enveloped her.

Every Love Story Ever

  No matter how much you give love to someone, it is always not enough for them. This is my story how I reunite with my lost love. It all started one Monday morning, I had just finished my job. I was working as Night manager at a hotel. That morning was different from other at least for me. I stopped for coffee in nearby café like every morning.   When I got in café, there was a girl in my usual spot, manager said that he would ask her to move as they knew I always sit on that spot. I said it was okay, and I sat across of that girl. I don’t know why but I was attracted to her, it usually doesn’t happens to me but this new feeling was really growing into me and I really liked it. She was beautiful, and her hair was just wow.   I was enjoying my coffee, my eyes were still on that girl, and she didn’t noticed me as she was busy on her laptop. This process continued for a week, I would just sit there and look at her. After a week, I had urge to talk with her but I had no idea to st

My Love For You

  Most painful thing in life is to see someone you love die, even worse if you save them and you can’t be with them. This is my story how I saved love of my life to be with someone else. It all started when I began college and met this amazing girl, she was perfect in every possible way. It was love at first sight for me, not only me half of the boys were crazy for her.   I knew I had to approach her if I wanted to be close to her as there were many on line. Luckily, she was in my class which made things easier for me. When I first talked with her we hit it off really well, we had a lot in common. Soon we became best friends, we started spending a lot of time together. However, I never told her how I felt as I didn’t wanted to lose what we had now.   Every now and then guys would propose her, but she always refused them, which made me feel that she also had some feeling for me. I was not full of myself, there were signs like she would share everything with me, and we were spend

Great Sacrifice

  Everyone, once in their life has a moments when they fell all helpless, where they can’t do anything they want. For me that moment was w hen my wife was dying. My wife was doctor herself and was in died bed after meeting a car accident. Doctors were saying that all I can do was pray to god as even they couldn’t safe her now. And my worst fear came true, my wife died two days after her accident.   I woke up after two weeks myself, last thing I remembered was that my wife’s friend who worked with her in hospital coming up to me and saying that my wife left me. I just couldn’t accept that fact my wife was died, she was my whole life. I was depressed, I tried to overcome all that feelings but I just didn’t want to forget her.   Everyone who knew me were starting to get worried as I was not getting any better even after a month. No matter what I did, I just remembered her every moment. I wanted to kill myself but I was stopped by my friends and family couple of times.   It was

Responsible Kid

  Everyone treasures their childhood memory the most but I just want to forget every second of it. I didn’t had a dad, mom looked after me and my big brother but there was a thing with my brother, he was special, he was suffering from autism. I liked him but at times I didn’t like the fact that he got more attention from our mother.   No matter what I did mom never praised me, all she cared was about my brother and it was killing me inside. I felt like she didn’t even like me and want me. It was not like I could go anywhere, they were all I had. I was eight when I won my first black belt in taekwondo after training for 2 years. I was so excited to get home and show it to my mom.   When I got home, my mom was crying and my brother looked like he was beaten up. Then I remembered that I was supposed to look after my brother when mom was at work, but I stopped with friends to celebrate. When mom saw me, I excitedly showed her my black belt but she came up to me and slapped me tw

Last GoodBye

  Missing someone is like being in hell. Everything in my life was going great with my son and my husband until my son died. He was only five when he died due to Pneumonia. I was devastated, he was my whole world, and I just couldn’t believe that he was never coming back. It was hard for my husband as much as it was hard for me, but his only concern was me at that moment as I was basically broken.   Nothing was same after my son’s perished, everything I knew was changed. I didn’t leave by bed for days, didn’t get proper sleep, just crying day and night. It was same for my husband, he was not showing it but still he was no better than me. Each passing day was harder than day before, everything reminded me of him.   Months passed I was not getting any better I got sick myself. As long as I remembered I had been dreadful, I didn’t left my room. All I did was hold my son’s photo in my hand and cry. Everyone was saying I was going crazy as I wouldn’t talk to anyone or let anyone ne

Finding New Family

Happiness is when you are with someone you can share your feeling. I lost my most important person, my wife (Rosa), she died in a car accident. We were together from high school and we got married 3 years ago after being together for 9 years. We couldn’t have child so we had decided to adopt but before we could do that she left me forever.   After she was gone, I was died from inside, I couldn’t do anything properly, I lost my job, I didn’t talked to anyone and everyday was hell for me until one day when I found someone. It had been two months since my wife left me, every second of it was hard. It was quite evening, in the bridge where we had our first date. This bridge was special for us as we had so many good memories with that place, however it was first time after her died that I came here.   I had her favorite flowers in my hand, everytime I was there I would get her those flower. I knew that I was getting worse day by day but I had no one to share my feelings, I knew no o

Marrying My Crush

Life surprises you in most unexpected ways. This is my story, how I married to my crush, I am Sanjay, I work for newspaper as reporter, which has always been my dream job. However I am not the type of person who is very good at interaction. Due to which, I have limited friends and had been in a relationship once.   It all started when a girl named Supriti joined my team as intern. She was breath taking, everything about her was perfect, her eyes, her hair, just everything. It was like love at first sight, but even though she was in my team I had problem talking to her. I just didn’t knew how to start a conversation, we used to talk but it was only work related.   Time passed by, we bonded but only as colleagues. I wanted to be more then colleagues with her, just didn’t knew how to. We never talk anything apart from work. So I talked to my friends about my situation, they called me nerd, and suggested that I should pull myself together and talk to her and gave me some tips on ho

Sometime Wish Comes True

I might never forget that night in this life. It has been 5 years, still I remember it like it was yesterday. I didn’t wanted things to turn like this. I am Priya and this is my story which turned my life forever. It was monsoon evening 5 years ago, I was 25 at that time. I was in a relationship for almost 6 years at that time with my high school sweet heart ‘Dev’.   Everyone thought we were made for each other, they might have been true as we would complete each other. But it was not high school romance anymore, we were in real world and things were rather not same as before. We both finished our college and started working, we did make time to see each other but I felt like we were growing apart over time.   I felt like I was missing something in life, well it might because either I was at work or with Dev. I don’t know if Dev felt that way or not but even if he did he would not complain, that’s classic Dev, he is never got angry, he never complained about things. I guess I j

Almost Broken Marriage

Well I was supposed to be getting married next hour but here I am having this coffee all dressed up. Don’t worry, I am not alone I am with my bride to be. That might be confusing why Bride and Groom both chickened out of their own wedding and most importantly why together.   One and Half hour ago Being in this car, moving towards my own marriage venue, I never thought I would be the one doing arrange marriage. I have only met girl once with my whole family and 15 days later here I am getting married to her. I tried calling her a lot but there were always people around either for me or her, due to which we couldn’t talk properly.   When I got into venue, I just got felling that I have to meet her before I marry her. I messaged her to ask about her where about. She replied really fast as if she was waiting for my text, she said she was in first floor, third room from right. As I got her message I said that I had to go to bathroom and went to first floor, third room from right a

Most Common Story With TWIST

Todays’ story is about father (Louis) and daughter (Honey). After the deceased of Honey’s mother when she was 8, Louis has played both role of mother and father. He didn’t wanted to get married as Honey didn’t wanted step mother. Louis has fulfilled every wish of Honey no matter what she asks for. You can say he has spoiled her, but Honey always knew her limits as well. They were really happy with life, Louis had a restaurant which was doing well, and Honey was studying Fashion and would help Louis with restaurant whenever she had chance. They used to share everything with each other. They has always shared feelings with each other. Expect this time, Honey was hiding something, that she has a boyfriend (Eddie). Honey and Eddie has being going out for few months. They meet at friends’ party, it was love at first sight. Eddie was also in college and was doing part time job as his family was not too well to do. Honey wanted to tell her father that she has a boyfriend, but her fr