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One Sided Love - Happy Ending

One sided love is not the thing you choose but once in your life, you will be in one sided love. This is my story, how I was in one sided and left her for her happiness. My name is Zee, I was very happy in my life before I met her (Heena). I first met her when I was 21 and I started a new work.


Heena was a girl that everyone liked, she was sweet, she was always nice to everyone and she barely got angry with anyone. It was easy to adopt to new office for me with the help of Heena, I was partnered with her. In a very little time we got really fond of each other. I really liked her, I wanted to ask her out and I did that after two months.


By that time, we were very close with each other. When I asked her out, she said yes with big smile, I was happy. When we went on that date, she said that she had a boyfriend. I was okay with that and I was glad that she let me know before I grew anymore feelings for her. That date was as perfect as she was.


After six months, we were better together than ever, we were best friends. We used to share everything with each other, we were that close, people around us though that we were a couple but that didn’t bother us as we knew what we meant to each other. I could tell even her boyfriend was little insecure with us being that close but he was acted okay


After some time I saw Heena at her lowest as she was having hard time with her boyfriend. She told me that her boyfriend was fighting with her for past few days. I tried to cheer her but this time it was different from other fights. I would not see her that low so I tried everything I could but nothing was working.


Even after a month she was having problem with her boyfriend, the girl who always had smile in her face, had lost her smile. One night she called me and she was crying really badly. I rushed to her house and she was wiping like crazy, I couldn’t see her like that. At that point I realized that I was in love with her as I was hurting more than her, when she was crying. I put my feeling aside and asked her what was wrong this time. She told me that her boyfriend asked for a break up.


I asked her what was the reason for the break up, she didn’t answered at first but after I insisted, she told me that it was because of me. She further explained that her boyfriend was not okay with us being so close friend. And her boyfriend asked to choose from two of us and she said “I like you, I cannot leave you but I love him.” And she started to cry again.


She was losing the person she loved because of me and that was making her so sad and if I could fix it then I had to. So I decided to talk with her boyfriend, in the last 6-7 months I have met him only twice in office party. I called her boyfriend next morning and asked him to meet with me.


He looked very angry when we meet next morning. I asked him, why he was making Heena so sad? He didn’t respond me for long time and when he spoke, he said “you are too worried about her, do you love her?” I didn’t though that would be his first question but I had to answer, so I simply said no and I was just a friend and he shouldn’t be insecure with our friendship.


Then he said that he will not hurt Heena anymore but I had to break friendship with her. I was not surprised to hear that from him as he said same thing to Heena as well. I came along with the answer for that question, I said I would break friendship with her. And he was left saying that he would Heena right away and sort things with her.


After that I started ignoring Heena, that day she called me all day and night. She messaged me that she was back with her boyfriend again. I was happy for her. Even in the office I ignored her, I partnered with some else to avoid her. She got the idea that I made a deal with her boyfriend and therefore I was avoiding her. Within a week we were like stranger, I didn’t even had course to meet eye with her.


After growing apart, I realized how much I loved her and I couldn’t express how much I missed her. My friends knew that I was low and they even knew the reason. One of my friend asked me why I didn’t fight for her if I loved her that much. I said that it was not worth it as she was crying for another guy and I knew how much she loved him. I had to let her go as her happiness was more important than mine.


After a month I resigned and got a new job, I completely cut Heena out of my life. I was still missing her and I wanted to see her but her happiness was more important to me.


After few months I received a call from unknown number, it was from Heena. She said she wanted to meet, I was missing her so much that I couldn’t say no. when I meet her she said she broke up with her boyfriend as they had more reason to fight even if I was out of her life. She though it was not worth it to waste time with him.


I asked her what I could do for her and she said to marry her. I couldn’t believe what I heard, I was confused. I said her to explain and she said she knew that I loved her and I left her so that she could be happy. I guess my friends were not good at keeping secret. Then she held me and said that she was also in love with me and she would be more happy with me. I was on the top of the world.


Now, ten years after we meet, we are married and have a beautiful daughter just like her mother. I couldn’t have asked for anything more in my life, I was with the girl whom I loved and she loves me back and had a lovely daughter.





Love is not always about fighting for what you want, sometimes you have to let them go for their happiness. And if your love is true then they will back in your life.


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