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Showing posts with the label friends

One Sided Love - Happy Ending

One sided love is not the thing you choose but once in your life, you will be in one sided love. This is my story, how I was in one sided and left her for her happiness. My name is Zee, I was very happy in my life before I met her (Heena). I first met her when I was 21 and I started a new work.   Heena was a girl that everyone liked, she was sweet, she was always nice to everyone and she barely got angry with anyone. It was easy to adopt to new office for me with the help of Heena, I was partnered with her. In a very little time we got really fond of each other. I really liked her, I wanted to ask her out and I did that after two months.   By that time, we were very close with each other. When I asked her out, she said yes with big smile, I was happy. When we went on that date, she said that she had a boyfriend. I was okay with that and I was glad that she let me know before I grew anymore feelings for her. That date was as perfect as she was.   After six months, we were be

My Love For You

  Most painful thing in life is to see someone you love die, even worse if you save them and you can’t be with them. This is my story how I saved love of my life to be with someone else. It all started when I began college and met this amazing girl, she was perfect in every possible way. It was love at first sight for me, not only me half of the boys were crazy for her.   I knew I had to approach her if I wanted to be close to her as there were many on line. Luckily, she was in my class which made things easier for me. When I first talked with her we hit it off really well, we had a lot in common. Soon we became best friends, we started spending a lot of time together. However, I never told her how I felt as I didn’t wanted to lose what we had now.   Every now and then guys would propose her, but she always refused them, which made me feel that she also had some feeling for me. I was not full of myself, there were signs like she would share everything with me, and we were spend

Friend in need

What does friendship means, I learn it hard way. I am Salman, I was in middle school when I was mugged. I was a class topper, I had a lot of friends and I was even teacher’s favorite. But there was a boy, I was always curious about, he was polar opposite of me, he barley passed in exams, had no friends and usual would bully other. His name was Yush, despite being in same class we rarely felt each other’s presence.   Science week was coming soon, so we had to do a project with a partner. Everyone agreed to randomly pick partner from cheat, I got a cheat with Yush’s name. I was not going to work with him for my project, I talked with my teacher that I can’t be partner with him. When I was saying that to teacher, Yush got in room and heard me and he said he would do project alone so teacher also said okay if both of us wanted that.   Later on I told my friends about what happen with Yush, they told me that Yush might bully me for doing that, for a moment I was scared. Nothing happ

My First Friend

Do you remember who your first friend was? Probably not, normally people make friends so early they don’t even remember them. So today I will share how I made my friend. I am Varun, age 16, I am not like other normal teenagers, see I am special, I can’t speak. Most of my life I have stayed in my house, my teacher has always came to my house due to which I had problem meeting people.   My family had already learned sign language to communicate with me but for other it is hard. Sometimes they forget that I can still hear and say something mean, most of the time I avoid them. Making friends was out of question, kinds my age can’t talk to me so they don’t even allow me to play with them. Then I started playing online games, where I met my first friend.   About a year ago when I was playing my online games as usual I found a person named ‘KillerBee32’, of course we meet in game but he was so good to me. Slowly we started to grow fonder of each other, we were spending hours playing o