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Almost Broken Marriage

Well I was supposed to be getting married next hour but here I am having this coffee all dressed up. Don’t worry, I am not alone I am with my bride to be. That might be confusing why Bride and Groom both chickened out of their own wedding and most importantly why together.


One and Half hour ago

Being in this car, moving towards my own marriage venue, I never thought I would be the one doing arrange marriage. I have only met girl once with my whole family and 15 days later here I am getting married to her. I tried calling her a lot but there were always people around either for me or her, due to which we couldn’t talk properly.


When I got into venue, I just got felling that I have to meet her before I marry her. I messaged her to ask about her where about. She replied really fast as if she was waiting for my text, she said she was in first floor, third room from right. As I got her message I said that I had to go to bathroom and went to first floor, third room from right and knocked door twice and she said to get in.


There she was, Amy in her red wedding dress, now I know why I agreed to marry with her, she was beautiful. I looked around to check if there was someone else but there wasn’t. She was sitting alone in sofa bed with full makeup and hair done. She looked at me and said “Kim, right.” I nodded.

“You must be really happy” she said somewhat angrily “how can you say okay for marriage without even meeting me once.” I could tell that she was pissed.

I smiled “even you said okay without meeting, I don’t think that’s just my fault.”

“If I had chance to choose then I would have, I am not lucky like you, I am a girl.” she said lower her voice with every word she spoke.

That made me little bit sad too, I had no idea what to say to that. “What do you want me to do go back?” I said jokingly. She said yes.


Now that made me confused,  if it was a joke then it is okay but if she meant it then she was talking nonsense. You know how much money is invested in marriage nowadays and family name is another thing to worry about if you plan to cancel wedding. I gave fake smile and said nice joke and turned around to leave.

“Stop, you said you wanted to talk with me.” She said as I was leaving.

I stopped turn around, she was still on that sofa bed and I said “I don’t want to talk anymore.”

“Let me guess, you wanted to ask if I am virgin or not. Guess what I had four boyfriends due to which I have no say even in my own marriage.” she said with anger.

That made me very angry then I said “no actually I wanted to ask if you were okay with marrying me.” Only after saying I heard what I said and well I was wandering that question myself, now I had my answer.

“Do you think that I am okay?” she said making me sit next to her.

“No, I get it but what do you want me to do, go down there and tell everyone that I don’t want to get married this last minute.” I said calming down when I got phone call from my brother.


I said my brother to handle other for a while as I was in with Amy, he said he will take care of it. After the call I looked at her, she seemed to be thinking. I didn’t bother her, I went and sat back down. After a while she said “there is a back door.” I had no idea what she was saying. I gave her the look that I didn’t understood. She said “you can run away from back door then you don’t have to face them.”

“How will that help anyone? First our family would be ashamed, second, you will be in same place next month, just there will be another guy instead of me and he may not come to meet you like this and you have no choice but to marry him.” I said, I think that hurt her the most.

She was thinking for a while after that she said “okay, let’s do this, both of us should bail out.”

“But why me?” I said

“See if only I go alone then my family will never accept me but if both us go then blame would be half/half and I can say ‘I did it because you did it’ and you are boy it will not affect you much so let’s go.” She said with full confident.


She had a point I can’t go down there and tell that I am not ready for marriage last minute and there was no point in marrying her if she was this unhappy. So after a while I said okay and we got out from back exit, both on wedding dress. It was a quite dark in evening so most of people didn’t noticed our dress.


We got in cab as soon as possible and told cab to go straight as fast as possible. After passing three intersection I asked her where she could go. That is when she remembered that friend’s house where she was supposed to go was also in our wedding.


Then we are here staying in this coffee shop for last 20 minutes, calling her friend who hasn’t answered once. Café was rather empty as in evening many people go to bar not café but there were few boys who was staring at Amy. I was looking around when Amy said “how can you say okay to marriage without talking to me once, did you never been in relationship?”

I was actually pissed with that question, she had asked me that at least 25 times till now. With a bit anger I said “I had couple of girlfriends” and took a slip of my coffee.

“Then why did you say okay to me without talking to me like old person?” she asked me.

“Yes, I have been with couple of girls and I have been judgmental due to which I end up, breaking up with them. So I thought that love marriage was not my thing. I would judge them and end things with them. But if I did arrange marriage I would get chance to know them judging, and you know how hard it is to break arrange marriage. So when I saw your photo, you were beautiful, and I thought if it was not arrange marriage then I would choose someone just like you.” I said

“But still how do you marry someone when you know nothing about them?” She asked.

“I bet you knew all your four boyfriends very well, where are they now? Why are you here with me and not them?” I replied. That comment hit her hard, she didn’t say anything and looked at me fully lost.


After a while I thought I have to go back and tell everyone truth, running away was never an option, she was still in her zone. I have no idea what she is thinking but still I told her that I am going back and I will leave her wherever she wanted.

“I will stay here for a while, you go ahead” she said her voice breaking.

“I can’t leave you alone here, there are some creepy people around, let’s go together I will take the blame and you don’t have to marry me.” I said, she didn’t reposed anything she just nodded.  


We got on the cab together and go back to the wedding venue, we didn’t speak at all during the ride. We got off at the same back door where we first ran from, she still looked sad.

“Well, it was good knowing you. I hope we will meet again.” I said and turned around to leave when she spoke after a long time.

“What do you think about me?” she asked, not knowing what she meant, I gave her blank look “you judged your girlfriends what do you think about me.”

“To be honest, I like you. You see you keep in my toes and I can really connect with you, I can be myself and share things with you, which is very rare for me.” I said.

“Let’s do it. Let’s get married. I like you too and you understood me really well. Like you said if there was any other guy they won’t run away with me on their wedding day like you did just because I had problems. You are indeed nice person and we do connect very well.” She said. I had no idea what to do or say about that then she came to me and hugged me.


Now I was really getting married to girl with whom I ran away. We didn’t tell what happen to others as they wouldn’t understand. And till this day after 5 years of marring her and having son, we are really happy and living our lives.





It’s not how much you know someone, its home much you connect with each other define love.


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