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Sometime Wish Comes True

I might never forget that night in this life. It has been 5 years, still I remember it like it was yesterday. I didn’t wanted things to turn like this. I am Priya and this is my story which turned my life forever. It was monsoon evening 5 years ago, I was 25 at that time. I was in a relationship for almost 6 years at that time with my high school sweet heart ‘Dev’.


Everyone thought we were made for each other, they might have been true as we would complete each other. But it was not high school romance anymore, we were in real world and things were rather not same as before. We both finished our college and started working, we did make time to see each other but I felt like we were growing apart over time.


I felt like I was missing something in life, well it might because either I was at work or with Dev. I don’t know if Dev felt that way or not but even if he did he would not complain, that’s classic Dev, he is never got angry, he never complained about things. I guess I just wanted break from all that and I got my chance when I got job offer from another city.


It was one week to our 6 years anniversary, I had not yet told Dev that I had accepted job in another city. We had plan for dinner and I thought that was good time to break the news to Dev. It was just like every other time, he picked me up from my house after work and we drove to restaurant.


Even though it started like every time, there was something different that day. I was getting irritated about everything like Dev not drinking because he has to drive. I was like loosen up a little, take a taxi and have fun for a day. But nothing was different, it was like routine to go different restaurant every weekend and I was getting pissed every passing second.


I guess Dev knew I was acting different but he didn’t say anything. I had 2 extra glass of wine than usual. It was already past 9 when we got out of restaurant. When we got out of the restaurant it was raining, Dev said he would get car and ran towards parking lot leaving me in front of restaurant.


After few minutes, I saw group of girls about my age. They were probably going to party, they were all drunk and were socking in rain. They didn’t care what was going on, they didn’t had to be with their boyfriend, and they could just enjoy themselves till they pass out. I wanted to be like them, carefree, but I couldn’t be like them till I was with Dev. He is always around and even if I went to another city it wouldn’t make much difference, just that I meet him here in person and there I would be with him over phone.


Dev came with car, I opened the door and sat down. I was really angry by that time maybe because I couldn’t have life like those girls, and I still had to tell Dev about new job. It was rather quite ride that day, it was still 5 minutes ride to reach my house. I don’t know what got to me I shouted “stop the car”

Dev was surprised as I shouted. He looked at me and said “what?”

“I have something to tell you. Stop the car.” I said lowering my voice.

“We are about to reach your house, we can talk there” he said.

“No, stop the car here, we have to talk now” I said. I just got angry, don’t know why.

He stopped the car in the side of road, as road was empty late that time and because of rain. He said in soft voice “yes, what can’t even wait five minutes?”

“I got job in another city and I accepted that job.” I said

“Well that’s it, no problem I can come over there for weekend and we will talk every day.” he said and reached for keys to start the car. That made me angrier, it is always predicable with him.

I hold his hand preventing him from starting car and said “I can’t do this anymore, I want break from us, I want to break up with you.” For a second he looked puzzled but next moment he was laughing. He thought I was joking with him.


He laughed for couple of minutes, I didn’t say anything either. Then he took note pad from front drawer of car and wrote something. He folded the paper and gave it to me and said “when I leave you, read this, don’t see it before that.”

I had no idea what he wrote but I was not done talking “see, really I just want to be alone. I really want to leave you……” I stopped mid-sentence when I saw a truck coming towards us in high speed, before I knew it. BOOM.


I wake up in the hospital somewhat 2 hours after accident, nurse came to me and said I was just knocked out and I was fine. I looked around for Dev, I tried to ask nurse about him but she left before I could. I still had note Dev gave me in my hand. I opened it and note said

I wish the moment you decided to leave me I died. I love you that much and don’t want to be without you.

After reading that my eye filled with tears, I rushed out of room and looked around for Dev. I heard someone saying, died body from car accident was in corner of the room. I ran towards corner, there was a stretcher with body which face was covered. I was just hoping it was not Dev. But IT WAS DEV. I was devastated to see that, I couldn’t hold back and broke down in tears.


It been 5 years, I have been in couple of relationship nothing compares to what Dev and I had. I guess his wish really came true, the moment I thought about leaving him he left me forever. I miss him now more than ever.





You don’t know value of people until they leave you forever, so treasure who you have now, tomorrow they might be memory forever.  


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