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Most Common Story With TWIST

Todays’ story is about father (Louis) and daughter (Honey). After the deceased of Honey’s mother when she was 8, Louis has played both role of mother and father. He didn’t wanted to get married as Honey didn’t wanted step mother. Louis has fulfilled every wish of Honey no matter what she asks for.

You can say he has spoiled her, but Honey always knew her limits as well. They were really happy with life, Louis had a restaurant which was doing well, and Honey was studying Fashion and would help Louis with restaurant whenever she had chance. They used to share everything with each other. They has always shared feelings with each other. Expect this time, Honey was hiding something, that she has a boyfriend (Eddie).

Honey and Eddie has being going out for few months. They meet at friends’ party, it was love at first sight. Eddie was also in college and was doing part time job as his family was not too well to do. Honey wanted to tell her father that she has a boyfriend, but her friends said that was a bad idea as Eddie was not in his feet yet. Even Eddie agreed to not tell their parents yet.

Even though Honey and Eddie were studying in different college they would always meet each other and would walk together. Like every day Honey and Eddie met in a bus stand near Honey’s house and were walking toward coffee shop. Louis was just leaving for restaurant and saw Honey with a boy, he didn’t mind much, and went his way.

Later that evening, Louis was making dinner and Honey was arranging table for dinner. They were just talking about their day. After some time they sat down for dinner. While eating Louis thought about morning, when he saw Honey with boy but she didn’t mention it. Louis didn’t understand why she didn’t mention the person from morning. After a while, Louis wanted to know why she was hiding that from him.
He said “what’s new in life?” as if he would usually ask.
“Nothing much, just need to summit an assignment next week, working on that.” Honey replied.
“Made any new friends?” Louis asked after a bite. Honey’s expression changed as he had never asked that before. She shook her head and looked down at her food.
“Who was the guy from morning?” Louis asked. Honey’s spoon fall from her hand.
“What guy? I don’t know what you are talking about” Honey said picking up her spoon from floor. Now she looked tense. Louis could see that clearly.
“Oh! I saw you with a guy today on my way to restaurant.” Louis said. Honey looked shocked that her dad saw her with Eddie.
“You must have seen someone else. I directly went to college. I was not in any café.” Honey said in high pitch voice and stood up to leave. Louis knew she was lying as he never mentioned café.

Next morning, Honey got ready early then usual to avoid her dad. She made him coffee and left it in the table with note asking ‘Dad I need to go to library before class so I am leaving. Please eat breakfast and have a good day.’ She called Eddie to meet early, he said he might be late as he was still his home. She said she would wait.

She grab a take away coffee from café and reached bus station to wait for Eddie. She thought she would talk to Eddie about what happened and then tell her dad everything. When she was lost in her thought about what to tell her dad, a young guy of her age came in bike and stopped bike right in front of her and sat next to her. She moved but he did as well. She stood up and asked what he wanted. He smiled and left, meanwhile Eddie reached bus stand, Honey told him about what happened with her and dad last night. Eddie suggested they would tell her dad as soon as he got new job.

After few days, Louis has not asked Honey anything about Eddie, to which Honey thought that Louis believed it was some other girl that day and not her. She was relieved that Louis had not asked anything.

She was waiting for Eddie in the bus stand as she had her first class off, they decided to meet little late. Honey was playing with her phone, when same guy with bike from someday back came. This time he had flowers in his hands. He got off the bike and came next to Honey. He offered Honey the flower , Honey stood up and asked what he was doing. He simply replied that he liked her and wanted to give her present. She got angry and throw the flowers on the floor and said that she already had boyfriend.
That guy stood up and took out his phone. Honey asked what he was doing. He said he was calling her dad as her dad send him to confirm that she had a boyfriend. Honey was shocked to hear that, after taking a moment she thought her dad would never do anything like that. She said him to stop talking non sense. He handed her his phone, Louis was on the line, and Louis said Honey to get back to house at once.

Honey was walking toward home still confused of what just happened. She had a lot of things bouncing in her head like how long her dad knew she had boyfriend, why her dad send another person and stuff like that. She got home, Louis was sitting on sofa, looked pretty mad. Honey sat down with him, and explained everything, how long she had boyfriend, why she didn’t tell him earlier and everything about Eddie and how much she loved him. Louis stood up and said with anger “from today you will not leave house until I say. I will drive you to college and you can’t meet with that boy from now. You will marry a boy I have chosen.”

It hit Honey very hard. It was a first her dad has said no to her. She was confused and didn’t understood how her life changed in just one moment. Louis did what he said, he would take her to college and wouldn’t let her go out of house. Honey was not doing much, she would cry and tell Louis how much Eddie means to her whenever Louis was around. Honey would secretly call Eddie once a day from house’s phone as her phone was taken by Louis.

After few days, Louis called Honey to the living and said he has selected a boy for her engagement and she can get married whenever she was ready. She fall down on the ground and started to cry. Louis picked her up and make her sit in the chair, he said just to look at the boy first and decide later. Louis shouted “Get In”
That boy with the bike came in, as soon as Honey saw him she said No and turned around. Louis said he was not the boy but he just went to get that boy. He singed to bring the boy. Eddie. Honey got confused, he rubbed her eyes and looked again, and it was Eddie. She was confused but still jumped and hugged her dad.

She said “what is going on dad?”
“I am sorry, I made you suffer this much. I know what he means to you, I have seen it every day” Louis with watery eyes.
“But you didn’t liked him” Honey said
“I never said I didn’t like him. I was just angry at you that you didn’t tell me about him, you can tell that you have boyfriend to a stranger but not me, why. Remember I never said no to you then why did you think I would say no to your choice. I have always been there for you as a friend not as your dad, so that you can share things like this with me but when you hind that with me I really got hurt.” Louis said while tears fall off his eyes.
“I am sorry dad” Honey said with tears as well. He hugged each other.
“Now go be with him but never hind anything with me” Louis said and pushed her towards Eddie.

After few years Honey and Eddie got married and lived happily ever after with Louis.


Parents knows what are your feelings and always wants best for you. Tell them what they mean to you, they want to hear it, trust me.


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