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Finding New Family

Happiness is when you are with someone you can share your feeling. I lost my most important person, my wife (Rosa), she died in a car accident. We were together from high school and we got married 3 years ago after being together for 9 years. We couldn’t have child so we had decided to adopt but before we could do that she left me forever.


After she was gone, I was died from inside, I couldn’t do anything properly, I lost my job, I didn’t talked to anyone and everyday was hell for me until one day when I found someone. It had been two months since my wife left me, every second of it was hard. It was quite evening, in the bridge where we had our first date. This bridge was special for us as we had so many good memories with that place, however it was first time after her died that I came here.


I had her favorite flowers in my hand, everytime I was there I would get her those flower. I knew that I was getting worse day by day but I had no one to share my feelings, I knew no one would understand. That day I was staring at the river from bridge just imaging Rosa’s face. It was getting dark, I saw lights turning on, and I was looking sun going down and just broke into tears.


I was crying like a baby, when something got into me, I didn’t wanted to live anymore, I just wanted to die. I put flowers in my hand aside then closed my eyes getting ready to jump off that bridge. I was about to jump when I heard a song in distance, I opened my eyes and listened to song, it was Rosa’s favorite song.


I looked closely to see who was playing that song, I saw 11-12 years boy walking towards me. He had envelope in one hand and Walkman in another which was playing music. He came close to me and stood next to me I was focused on Walkman playing the song, when I noticed envelope in his hand. It was from hospital where Rosa worked as nurse.


I was curious but I didn’t say anything, I was just looking at the envelope and listening to song. After a while, that boy opened envelope and took out a picture, it was dark so I couldn’t see that picture properly. I looked closely, it was a picture of Rosa and that boy, next thing I know I took picture from that boy’s hand. I looked properly, there was no mistake it was Rosa.


I had no idea what was going on, why did that boy that picture with Rosa? I knew everyone Rosa knew, but I had never seen him before. I guess that boy was saying something to me when I questioned him, “How did you know person in this picture?”

“Give me back my photo.” Boy said and took picture from my hand “she is my savior.” I was confused with that respond what did he mean by savior and how come Rosa never told me about him.


I asked boy to follow me, at first he refused then I show him picture of me and Rosa then he agreed to come. We went to a coffee place nearby, after talking for a while I got to know that his name was Holt and he didn’t have family. He said that he met with Rosa as she was his in charge and she always took care of him when there was no one for him. That made my eye water up.

“What were you doing in bridge?” I said not trying to cry.

“She told me that she wanted me to meet someone in that bridge so I go there every day after I was discharged from hospital.” He replied.


I had to know what was going on, I called Rosa’s best friend from hospital to come and meet me. Till she got there, Holt and I talked about Rosa and both of ours eyes were covered with tears. When Rose’s friend got there, she recognized Holt at once. I asked what was going on.

“Rosa wanted to adopt Holt, they grew close really fast and she knew that she wanted Holt as son. She wanted to surprise you on your birthday, she had also filed all the paper work but before she would get reply she….. However I tried to tell you many times but you were not responding.” Rosa’s friend explained.


I was surprised but also happy after long time I hugged Holt and let him know that I would take care of him from now on. He was also happy to hear that. We had Rosa who loved us so much we had to be together. Even though Rosa left me, she gave me a reason to live again, she gave me son I never had.


 Even today Holt and me, we are happy, he even started high school now. We miss Rosa every day, but now we have someone who understands our pain and we can share our feeling with each other.





God opens second door when he closes first, you just be attentive to know which your door is. Never lose hope.


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