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Friend in need

What does friendship means, I learn it hard way. I am Salman, I was in middle school when I was mugged. I was a class topper, I had a lot of friends and I was even teacher’s favorite. But there was a boy, I was always curious about, he was polar opposite of me, he barley passed in exams, had no friends and usual would bully other. His name was Yush, despite being in same class we rarely felt each other’s presence.


Science week was coming soon, so we had to do a project with a partner. Everyone agreed to randomly pick partner from cheat, I got a cheat with Yush’s name. I was not going to work with him for my project, I talked with my teacher that I can’t be partner with him. When I was saying that to teacher, Yush got in room and heard me and he said he would do project alone so teacher also said okay if both of us wanted that.


Later on I told my friends about what happen with Yush, they told me that Yush might bully me for doing that, for a moment I was scared. Nothing happen till the end of science week so it had already left my mind. It was last day of science, it was quite late when we left the school that day. It was already dark and we were passing by the narrow road as it was shortcut.


It appeared empty at first look, but after some time, three boys older than us approached from behind. We didn’t recognized them so we just ignored them, but they followed us and they got in front of us and blocked our way. We asked what they wanted, one of them pointed at me and said “he stays, others can leave.”


My friends looked at me and at each other than just nodded to me and left me alone with those boys. I had no idea what was going on, I saw my friends disappearing in dark. I tried to leave myself but they blocked my way. One of them pushed me in the ground and pointed at my hand. I looked down and I got that they were after my camera.


 I was all alone lying on ground, I still couldn’t believe my friends just ditch me like that. One of them tried to pull camera from my hand but I didn’t let it go, then he punched me in face twice and took camera anyways. They took my bag and started looking for things they can take when I heard my name from behind, I turned around to look who was that, due to darkness I couldn’t put who it was.


That person came little closer and it was Yush, I couldn’t put together what was going on, did he send them to beat me up. I was still not sure what was going on, when Yush saw me lying in ground. He rushed and pulled me up, one of thugs told Yush to leave when Yush punched that person on face. One thing was clear at that point that Yush was on my side.


All three of them surrounded us, Yush told me that he will fight them and I should leave when I got chance. I just nodded my head, then he tackle one of them to ground and other two went to pull him. I took that chance like Yush said and ran from there. After one dash I looked behind and saw that Yush was getting beaten up, I couldn’t leave him alone, he was fighting for me.


I knew if I went there again then they would beat me too, so I started looking for help. That moment I saw two men in their early twenties and asked them for help. Then I lead them to the place where thugs were beating Yush and as soon as they saw us coming, they ran away. Yush was lying on ground, bleeding.


I helped him get up and gave him some water and handkerchief from my bag. He sat on ground for some time and got up, and handed me my camera. He was smiling, I still couldn’t believe that he did that for me. I thanked him and asked if he needed to go to hospital, he said he was fine. Then we went home.


From that day onwards, Yush and I became best friends. He was not like my so called friends, he didn’t leave me even though we were not that close and I disrespected him before. If he was not there that day I don’t know what would happen to me. I thanked him every day and even helped him with his study and he got pretty good grands. Till this day we are best friends and I can’t thank him enough.





Most unexpected person can sometimes help you in need when others leave you alone, treat everyone with respect.


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