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The Bigfoot's Footsteps

 Once upon a time, in a very distant land, there was a huge giant. He was more than 3 meters tall, with huge and coarse hair, he wrapped himself in a coat made of wild animal skins and carried a powerful ax in his hand.

Every year, on the same day, at the same time, the giant came down from the mountains where he lived and stood in front of the castle walls to terrorize its inhabitants.

"Come and send me the bravest of your men, I will fight him" he shouted, making the walls rumble and waving his ax threateningly. “Send me someone to fight or I will tear down the castle walls and kill everyone with my ax” !!!

And every year, the castle gate was opened slowly and fearfully, for a poor man, however brave, to come out and face certain death.

"Is that the best they have? ... said the giant while laughing mockingly.

The poor man when hearing the roar of his voice was always petrified and they had never even been able to raise his sword when the giant beheaded them with a single blow.

But one day, a young prince came to the walled city and asked one of the inhabitants: "Why does everyone look sad and scared?"

"It seems that you have never seen the giant," said that man.

"What giant?" the young prince asked intrigued.

The man told him the whole story… “every year, this very day, the giant comes and challenges our bravest man to a duel. And every year he murders him in the same place, they cannot even lift his sword, it is as if the giant hypnotized them ”.

When the giant arrived that day in the afternoon, the prince was waiting for him.

“Come with your bravest and bravest man and I will fight him” the giant shouted.

"I am here," said the prince, opening the castle doors and advancing towards the giant.

For a moment, they both stood face to face. Despite still being at a good distance, the difference in height between them was evident. But, using courage, the prince began to walk towards him, waving his sword and never taking his gaze from the giant's eyes.

Suddenly, she realized that as she got closer to him, far from seeing him bigger, it gradually got smaller before her eyes. He stood for a moment before him, and the giant was only six feet tall.

It got much closer and the giant was 1.50 meters tall. He continued until he was face to face and then he was only 1 meter tall.

The young prince took his sword and buried it in the giant's heart.

While the giant was dying on the ground, the prince said to him: "before dying, answer me: who are you? ... with his last breath the giant replied:" my name is FEAR.


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