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Real Love Between Friends

 Two years after the nursing technician Reginalda Matilde de Moraes met her husband, Geovane Donizete, in 1998, she started working at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Passos (MG).

It is there that the love story begins that the blog tells below. A love between two friends: Reginalda and Fatinha.

The year was 2000 and Fatinha worked in the same wing of the hospital and performed the same function as Reginalda. As soon as they met, there was a strong identification. They even started attending the same church and their friendship just grew.

Reginalda's relationship with Geovane also strengthened and they moved in together. Fatinha has always accompanied the couple's life.

Everything remained the same until 2010 when Fatinha started to feel pain in her legs and also in her spine. After seeking medical help and undergoing many tests, he discovered a rare and degenerative disease, Devic's syndrome.

As soon as he received the diagnosis, the nursing technician was terrified, first because he had no idea what it was and then because he understood that, in time, he could lose the strength of his limbs and suffer from atrophy.

Fatinha started treatment after her legs were affected by the syndrome. Then there was the removal from work. Even though the daily coexistence between the friends had been interrupted, the friendship grew stronger.

Whenever she was at Fatinha's house, Reginalda observed that, although the difficulties increased, her friend never asked herself “why she?” and she was excited.

Eight years had passed since her friend's diagnosis and Reginalda decided it was time to make her relationship with Geovani official in the way she had always dreamed of. One of the biggest supporters was Fatinha, endorsing that she would be present at the ceremony.

“At the time, when I started planning the wedding, Fatinha was walking with a walker and we already agreed among her friends who would pick her up. Only since then has she had crises and one of them took her to the ICU. There, a tracheostomy was performed and she started using a mechanical respirator. In our conversations, from then on, she listens to us more and tries to communicate by moving her lips ”, says Reginalda.

The wedding date was approaching and Reginalda knew that her friend would no longer be able to go to the party. Faced with the impasse, the bride had an idea and decided to talk to photographer Paulo Júnior Nascimento, from Moving Fotografia e Cinema.

They agreed to go to the hospital on their wedding day to record their meeting just before the ceremony began.

On the big day, then, Reginalda went to the beauty salon. The idea was to get out of there in advance to try to go to the hospital before heading to the ceremony. While getting ready, she received a surprise from her friends at work. They got together in a kitty to help the bride and groom on their honeymoon trip. The list of signatures had the name of Fatinha. "It moved me a lot, but I didn't rush the hairdresser, and even then, I was ready before," he recalls.

Reginalda and the photographer left for the hospital. Once there, in addition to receiving the curious looks of people, she overcame a personal trauma: “I, who have an elevator phobia, got into one to get to Fatinha”.

The meeting could not have been more exciting. “When she saw me, it was a very big surprise, she couldn't believe that I was there on my wedding day. She repeated that she did not believe and that she loved me very much. And I said that she is my family and that I really wanted her to be part of my album. I never thought she would be so grateful, she is very special to me ”, declares the bride.

For the photographer who accompanied the bride, “it is beautiful to see the love and complicity of two people who have their hearts connected, as well as in marriage”.

After experiencing moments of great emotion with her friend, January 11, 2020, was still marked as the date on which Reginalda realized her great dream after 22 years of union with Geovani: a marriage entitled to “all the best and the best ”.

“It was a great happiness, I rented an outdoor space the way I wanted, I ran after everything, from ceremonial to decoration. As I had to go to São Paulo, I already bought the fabric for the wedding dress and asked a seamstress from Passos to make the model the way I wanted, full of details, anyway, even today I am amazed ”.

Reginalda says that when the blog got in touch, she went to the hospital to ask her friend for permission to tell the story and publish the images. “Fatinha smiled and joked that she would decorate my photos and then I said that the images were ours and that we would keep them forever. My friend was very happy. It is not because she is in that hospital that she no longer has the purest and most sincere smile ”, she is moved.

A month after the party, the nursing technician continues to take turns between her two jobs, at Santa Casa, and at UPA de Passos and states that Fatinha remains in the hospital, doing pulse therapy, communicating using signs, and overcoming the day after the other. "I understand everything she wants to say because I love her very much," says Reginalda.


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