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Covid Next Gen

 It didn't end with COVID-19. The virus mutated and gave birth to the COVID-20 strain. Its main symptom was the loss of a sense of humor, but many people, like last time, did not understand the joke. Of the humorous shows in Russia, only Once Upon a Time in Russia has survived, for which little has changed.

Then there was COVID-21, after the pandemic of which no one liked the cats. People wondered why they had these mischievous night skunks with toilet brush tails.

Those who have recovered from COVID-22 stopped getting drunk from alcohol. They scribbled not messages to the former, but working reports having gotten drunk. In the morning they suffered from an unusually clear head and were ashamed.

COVID-23 has robbed people of the ability to comprehend poetry. Pushkin sounded like a collection of random words:

Hashish with streams of thyme,

The river is frosty baubles,

And Demyana gently itches


The effect had no effect on the creativity of the Mumiy Troll group and early Boris Grebenshchikov.

All of this has become a prelude to COVID-24, which has robbed people of common sense. At first, little has changed in the world - the world continued to follow the path that it had followed for many years. But there were warning signs.

Olga Buzova was elected President of Russia, who married the evening drunk and made him the first lady. Together they continued their work of life, gathered in a circle in the evening, and roasted guests from neighboring states at the stake.

Bill Gates and his junta got their way: the mobile version of Windows became the United States president. The political system of the States was now constantly updated, but, as before, to no avail.

England finally completed Brexit by separating from the Atlantic Ocean: it was surrounded by a wall.

After a short controversy, the 2024 Olympic Games were held in the Pacific Ocean, including nuclear biathlon in the program.

The only person who managed to avoid all five COVID strains was Viktor Pelevin. At the end of 2024, he emerged from his hiding place and breathed in fresh and slightly smoky air for the first time in a long time. Bonfires were burning all around. People in rags sacrificed a hedgehog. Traders offered to buy sprouted grains of common sense, but Viktor Olegovich immediately noticed that they did not make them from barley, as expected, but rotten bran.

Disappointed, he returned to the hideout and burned the manuscript of his new novel. "There is too much documentary in it," he thought, folding the joint.


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