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A Chance Encounter

  Emma Harper began one of those days that stopped to present an endless sequence of unfortunate events. Black coffee was spilt on her favourite blouse in the morning, the bus she was supposed to get was not present and when she got one, she missed it and had to stand in the rain and now, she was at work with so much paperwork she could barely make head or tail of. The tension steadily mounted towards 5 PM. She wanted to feel relieved from the pressure due to work and her unfixed emotional state. The sky was now a sort of dark grey and, as she was finally leaving the office, she knew it would rain again. Finally, the moment arrived, overtaken by anxiety and cold, Emma tightened her coat and rushed through the street. There were bills to pay, an unresolved argument between her and her best friend and the emptiness that she never thought she would have to experience but became a daily part of her existence in the last couple of months. As she was thinking hard, she never noticed the smal

New Skies

  It was six o'clock in the afternoon.  From the tower's wide windows you could see the silvery brown of the Río de la Plata and in the background a darker strand of the earth; a  doubtful vestige of the Uruguayan coast.  He closed the computer, put on his jacket, adjusted his Italian silk tie, and went out.  The elevator hall was abuzz on the higher floors;  at peak times a lot of people got together.  The operations manager's secretary was absent.  He waited a few minutes, let others climb, and there being no more excuses, when the second elevator came, he went up. In a few more seconds Santiago was on the ground floor and crossing Alcorta.  The wind released in the free spaces between the high buildings of the avenue and the long shadows of the hour made him cold.  He raised the lapels of the jacket and entering Marcelo T. de Alvear felt warm. The Irish pub on the corner of Reconquista was packed.  The hustle and bustle were unbearable but he found the desired end-of-day